Industry News
School Design Gains High Marks
New Town Primary School's new General Purpose Hall uses steel and large glass facades to create a dynamic, eye-catching finish. The feature of the hall is a cantilevered flying roof and wall cladding made from ZINCALUME® steel.
28th May 2003  
A primary school located in the shadow of Hobart ' s Mount Wellington has undergone a cost-effective redevelopment that has produced a visually impressive result.

Local firm Crawford Shurman Architects was commissioned by the Education Department of Tasmania to create a design that responded to the needs of the New Town primary school community.

The New Town Primary School Redevelopment was given a project budget of just $890,000.

From this Crawford Shurman Architects created a general purpose hall, music rooms and kiosk along with a general upgrading of internal and external teaching spaces.

The new General Purpose Hall is the primary feature of the redevelopment, using steel and large glass facades to create a dynamic, eye-catching finish.

The hall was positioned to enclose the U shape of the existing classroom block and to create a sunny and secure courtyard.

ZINCALUME® steel was used for the roof of the hall to tie the old and new structures into one visual complex.

The featured cantilevered flying roof of the hall was designed to create a sculptured and layered look that contrasts with the overall linear design of the building.

The walls of the hall are clad in a combination of COLORBOND® steel in the colour Deep Ocean and ZINCALUME® steel, accentuating the light and shade elements of the project.

Internal and external steel structural elements were also employed to provide a consistency in appearance and continue the lightness of structure.

" Steel was used throughout the design because it is flexible, cost effective and provided a contemporary finish that contrasted with the existing structures, " project architect Andrew Shurman said.

Developed by BHP Steel, ZINCALUME® steel and COLORBOND® steel provide an aesthetically impressive, durable cladding solution that is designed specifically for Australian conditions.

COLORBOND® steel now comes in a range of 20 colours, each one drawing inspiration from the Australian land and cityscape.

A new advanced super polyester pre-painted coating technology is proven, by extensive exposure testing, to help keep COLORBOND® steel looking new for longer.

The redevelopment was awarded a commendation in the Public Building category at the 2002 Royal Australian Institute of Architects Tasmanian chapter awards.

For more information contact
Crawford Shurman Architects
Tel: 03 6234 5533
Fax: 03 6223 2656
Address: GPO Box 544F Hobart 7001
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